

Operations Management Services

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Operations Management Services

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Ervinas consultants did an amazing job! A real pleasure to work with dedicated and passionate professionals who demonstrate superior customer service. We immediately saw the benefit of the platform for our team and the entire company. Ervinas eased my compliance and training concerns with a cutting-edge platform that truly is the full-package. Refreshing to work with and I would recommend their services and products to all colleagues and associates.

Darlene Purdy

Managing Director, E-Management Group


3390 Cupecoy Point Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89141


Training & Certification

Interlo software is easily customizable to meet the needs of any small to mid-size business. Microsoft research shows that when they shifted from seminar based (people based) training to online video training, costs were reduced from $320 to $17 per employee. Other studies have shown that media-based learning significantly increases retention of information to 65% at 9 months. Retention with text-based training is 35% at 7 days and 10% at 6 months.

Training is vital at orientation, upon starting a new job responsibility, and when completing interval re-training.  A strong training program standardizes the information in accordance with the expectations of your enterprise. This way, no information is miscommunicated or omitted by a co-worker or supervisor, who is often tasked with teaching new staff.

Interlo standardizes the training process and significantly reduces the time taken away from other employees during the orientation period. At each step in the training process, date and time stamps are recorded. Track a trainee’s progress so you know where they are integrating new information and where they may need additional instruction and support. Interlo limits company liability by recording and verifying an employee’s comprehension, so that in the event of an incident, managers can easily avoid “No one ever told me” and “But I didn’t know” conversations. Reduce training time for experienced trainees who may “test out” of lessons in which they are already competent. Certificates may be awarded at the completion of courses and reports may be generated for an individual or a group, ensuring you are always audit ready.

Ervinas Media can help you to create your own customized training program. Visit Ervinas Media to learn more about your multimedia options for presenting your brand of excellence. All of your personally branded training will include courses with any combination of the following features:

  • Lessons: may be presented in livestream, videos filmed at your location or in a studio for maximum effectiveness. Static slides with voiceover and read-at-your-own-pace training is alternately available.
  • Exam/Quiz: may be presented as multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, sorting, matching, survey, essay or any combination thereof.
  • Discussion forums: participants may have a conversation within a course
  • Third-party courses: your favorite training uploaded into the system

Streamline your onboarding with pre-loaded, online, multimedia courses. Choose from hundreds of options including OSHA (in compliance with Nevada SB122), Safety, Security, Human Resources, Food Handling and Supervisor/Manager/Leadership courses.